Call for Abstract

26th Cognitive Neuroscience Congress, will be organized around the theme “Scientific Gathering to Unleash the New Horizons in Neurocognitive Study”

Neurocognitive 2019 is comprised of 20 tracks and 80 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Neurocognitive 2019.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Cognitive health is the health of the brain and its function wholly and solely. This affects many sorts of functions such as memory, judgment, intuition. In short, if cognitive disorders are there, they can take many forms. One of the common cognitive health related problems is a decrease in mental function, dementia, which generally develops in the later phase of life. Cognitive health decline naturally happens  whereas aging however it's age-independent and might be found in any age bracket. Even, other health problems that are not age related also fall under the umbrella of cognitive issues. Like; depression isn't essentially age-related, same with brain injury or vitamin B12 deficiency.

  • Track 1-1Motor function
  • Track 1-2Partial insomnia
  • Track 1-3Drug overdose
  • Track 1-4Stroke

Cognitive development includes study in neuroscience and psychology which is concerned with a child’s development in terms of perceptual skill, conceptual resources and several other aspects of a developed adult brain. With reference to the adult, psychological feature development also can be referred to as intellectual development. Earlier it was believed that infants have remained without cognition until they learned a language, but soon after cognitive development study, it was proved that infants are aware of the surroundings and explore since birth. Cognition development depends on cognition which itself is an act of learning. Cognition phenomenon varies person by person because of factors like how a person receives, thinks process and gains an understanding of the world by their own interaction towards it.    


  • Track 2-1Infant cognitive development
  • Track 2-2Whorfs hypothesis
  • Track 2-3Lev Vygotskys theory
  • Track 2-4Piagets theory of cognitive development

Cognitive Psychology is the scientific study of mind as an information processor. It involves the study of all the process that persists inside your brain. In addition to that, however, individuals assume and process the information not solely facilitate researchers to achieve a deeper understanding that how the human brain works, however it permits psychologists to develop new ways in which of serving individuals who deal with psychological difficulties. Cognitive psychology has additionally improved our understanding of however individuals type, store, process and recall the memories. Meanwhile, the stress of psychological science shifted far away from the study of conditioned behavior and psychoanalytic notions about the study of the mind, towards the understanding of human information processing, using laboratory investigation. Cognitive approach believes that internal mental behavior is scientifically studied in experimental methods. Cognitive psychology assumes that a meditation method happens between stimulation (input) and response (output). A computer analogy is additionally proven to be very helpful just in case of cognitive psychology and the use of the computational tools to think, however, the human mind handles information is known as the computer analogy. Essentially, computer codes data, stores data, utilize the acquired data and produce an output. Such an idea of using a computer as a tool was adopted by cognitive psychologists as a model of how human thoughts work.


  • Track 3-1Memory
  • Track 3-2Attention
  • Track 3-3Perception
  • Track 3-4Metacognition

Loss of intellectual functions such as thinking, remembering, and reasoning occurs in cognitive dysfunction. Cognitive function is also known as brain fog. The people suffering from the same lose concentration power and face trouble with verbal recall. According to Marshall Pathogenesis, microbes are the causative agents for cognitive dysfunction. Moreover, diseases like Alzheimer’s disease are severe forms of cognitive dysfunction. For aged cancer patient’s psychological feature disfunction has several applications. A patient suffering from this need’s special hospitality and special care planning than that of normal patients. Not all patients suffering from cognitive dysfunction in depression, and not all people with depression suffer from cognitive function.



  • Track 4-1Delirium
  • Track 4-2Neurodegenaration
  • Track 4-3Alzheimers disease
  • Track 4-4Parkinsons disease

Neuroanatomy is the study which deals with structural unit and organization of the nervous system. It helps to understand in a better way such that it explains about the networking of nervous cells and tissues. In vertebrates, the nervous system is segregated into the internal structure of the brain and spinal cord which is together called as the central nervous system, or CNS and the routes of the nerves that connect with the remaining parts of the body is known as the peripheral nervous system or PNS. The pairs of terms which is used most typically in anatomy are dorsal and ventral. Dorsal part loosely refers to the top or upper side, and the ventral part refers to the bottom or lower side.


  • Track 5-1Non-invasive brain imaging
  • Track 5-2Viral-based methods
  • Track 5-3Dye-based methods
  • Track 5-4Connectomics

Neuroscience or neurobiology is the study deals with cells of the nervous system and organization of those cells and functions inside the nervous system. It is subdiscipline of both biology and neuroscience which includes various topics into it. In major, neurobiology is different from the neuroscience as it deals with scientific study of nervous system. Neurons are the specialized cells which receive and transmit electrical and chemical signals to one another. The brain is what it is because of the functional and structural properties of interconnected neurons.


  • Track 6-1Modern neuroscience
  • Track 6-2Neuro immunology
  • Track 6-3Paleoneurobiology
  • Track 6-4Neurochemistry

Molecular neurobiology is the sub-branch of neuroscience which deals with molecular biology that is applied to the nervous system. This topic mainly covers about mechanisms of molecular signaling in the nervous system, the effects of genetics and epigenetics on neuronal development, and the molecular basis for neuroplasticity and neurodegenerative diseases. In molecular neurobiology, the electrical and chemical signals are transmitted through the gaps between the nerve cells which is called as synapses and the transmitted chemicals are called as a neurotransmitter, which regulates the vital body functions.


  • Track 7-1Locating neurotransmitters
  • Track 7-2Voltage gate ion channels
  • Track 7-3Receptors
  • Track 7-4Neuronal gene expression

Cellular neurobiology is the branch of neuroscience which deals with functions and organization neurons at cellular levels. It details about physiological properties and morphology of single neurons or nerve cells. Various techniques are accustomed to studying the activity of cells like intracellular recording, patch-clamp, and voltage-clamp technique, pharmacological medicine, confocal imaging, biological science, two-photon laser scanning research, and Ca2+ imaging. Neurons are the cells which play a vital role in the nervous system and other major cells are glial cells which supports the neurons and in modulating the synapses.


  • Track 8-1Neurons and glial cells
  • Track 8-2Neuronal functions
  • Track 8-3Action potential
  • Track 8-4Structure and formation of synapses

Any disorder related to the nervous system comes under the category of neurological disorders. Although both brain and spinal cord are surrounded by tough membranes, by bones of the skull and spinal vertebrae and isolated by the blood-brain barrier. Involvement for neurologic disorders includes preventative measure like lifestyle changes, physical therapy, operations, medication, and neurorehabilitation. Neurological problem’s specific causes vary however genetic disorders, infections, inherent abnormalities, and brain injury together with deficiency disease, neural structure or nerve injury. Millions of people are affected by neurological disorders; more than 6 million people die each year because of stroke, over 80% of these deaths take place in developed and developing countries.               


  • Track 9-1Brain dysfunctions
  • Track 9-2Cranial nerve disease
  • Track 9-3Sleep disorders
  • Track 9-4Neuromuscular disorders

Neuropsychology is the field of psychological science that deals with the study of the structure and performance of the brain. It aims to understand how cognition and behavior are influenced by brain functioning and behavioral and cognitive aspects of diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders. In higher primates, it has also been applied to record the electrical activity from cells. Injuries, sickness and different diseases of the brain will have an effect on a person’s thanks to feeling, think, and behave, neuropsychological study here helps in evaluating and treating numerous types of disorders.          

  • Track 10-1Cognitive neuropsychology
  • Track 10-2Clinical neuropsychology
  • Track 10-3Connectionism
  • Track 10-4Functional neuroimaging

Pediatric Neurology is the branch of medicine which deals with the management and diagnosis of a neurological condition in infants and children. It also includes a study of diseases and disorders related to the spinal cord, brain and nervous system that affects individuals of such a young age group. The conditions in these cases vary significantly, from disorders like migraine and cerebral palsy to a lot of advanced conditions like neurodegenerative disorders. Being younger and immature, they need more care and consultation in the medical environment


  • Track 11-1Pediatric brain tumors
  • Track 11-2Hemiplegia
  • Track 11-3Abdominal migraine
  • Track 11-4Brain malformations

Neuropharmacology is the study which deals with the effects of drugs on the cellular and molecular functions of the nervous system. There are major two primary parts in neuropharmacology.  They are behavioral and molecular neuropharmacology. Behavioral neuropharmacology deals with the study of how the drugs affect the behavior of human as well as the study of however drug dependence and addiction has an effect on the human brain. Molecular neuropharmacology deals with the study of neurons and their organic compound interactions, with the general goal of developing a medication that has useful effects on neurologic function. Both of those fields are closely connected since each square measure involved with the interactions of neurotransmitters, neuropeptides, neurohormones, neuromodulators, enzymes, second messengers, cotransporters, ion channels, and receptor proteins in the central and peripheral nervous systems.


  • Track 12-1Neurochemical transmitters
  • Track 12-2Molecular neuropharmacology
  • Track 12-3Behavioural neuropharmacology
  • Track 12-4Neurodegenerative diseases

Electrophysiology is that the field of study that deals with the electrical properties and activities of biological cells and tissues. It helps in studying the generation of the electrical signals and their effect on the body. EPS is the test that is carried to understand the nature of abnormal heart rhythms, known as arrhythmias. The other aspects of electrophysiology are implanting cardiac devices to regulate the heartbeat. Also, an electrical signal in the retina is a pre-installed property of the nervous system which remains electrically active at all times and the standard of activity alters with excitation. Ophthalmologist drops light on the retina to excite the retina, a number of responses can be stimulated from different layers of retina with then are recorded and observed.      


  • Track 13-1Intracellular recording
  • Track 13-2Extracellular recording
  • Track 13-3Computational electrophysiology
  • Track 13-4Clinical electrophysiology

Behavioral psychology is a systematic approach in understanding the behavior of humans and other animals. This sates that all the behaviors are either responses or reflexes to the respective stimuli in the environment, or are the result of individual’s history, especially including reinforcement and punishment. This whole together with the individual’s current state and controlling stimuli decides one’s behavior. The researchers and scientists who study behavioral psychologies are striving to understand why we behave the way we do now. Also, scientists are concerned with discovering patterns in the action and behaviors of human and animals with the hope that behavioral psychology can help us to predict how individual will behave to a situation.


  • Track 14-1Abnormal behaviourism
  • Track 14-2Paradigm
  • Track 14-3Cognitive ethology
  • Track 14-4Methodology for psychological behaviour theory

Physiological Psychology is a subfield of Psychology that deals with the behavioral effects of physiology. It can help in uncovering many facts and myths about human behavior and helps us to gain knowledge about the mechanisms of the nervous system. Physiological psychology describes brain-behavior relationships and many other topics relating the aspects behavior of the body or activity in an organism to a body’s response. Like sleep, emotion, ingestion, senses, reproductive behavior, learning/memory, communication, and neurologic disorders are the fields in which Physiological psychologists typically focus their attention.


  • Track 15-1Emotions
  • Track 15-2Sleep
  • Track 15-3Psychophysiology

Social Psychology deals with the study of people’s behavioral like feel and acts within the context of society. In addition, it influences the psychological study involving social impact in it. The presence of others affects the individual’s outlook in such the way that even once alone society influence persists in our mind. This interaction and impact of society on one’s psychology help in studying the way these feelings, intentions, and behavior are constructed and how these mental states influence the interactions with others. Additionally, social psychologists explain social things are the results of psychological state and human behavior.



  • Track 16-1Social cognition
  • Track 16-2Interpersonal attraction
  • Track 16-3Attitudes
  • Track 16-4Attribution theory

Brain Mapping is the study of brain anatomy and performance using imaging and different non-imaging techniques. Basically, brain mapping is that the higher type of neuroimaging made by the results of processing and analysis, generally from the behavior and brain response. The technique stands nowhere individually but relies on precision in image representation, analysis, and other techniques. Brian mapping is constantly evolving in order to provide a solid understanding of brain anatomy. It helps in characteristic elements of the brain like anterior cortex and first cortical area. It also makes it easier to study about how human learns, understands and react.

  • Track 17-1Quantitative electroencephalography
  • Track 17-2Neurofeedback
  • Track 17-3Connectogram
  • Track 17-4Functional magnetic resonance imaging
  • Track 17-5Positron emission tomography

The neurodevelopmental issue is the weaknesses of the development and improvement of the cerebrum or focal sensory system. A smaller utilization of the term alludes to the confusion of cerebrum work that influences feeling, learning capacity, poise and memory and that unfurls as an individual creates and develops. Gliogenesis results in the formation of non-neuronal glial populations derived from multipotent neural stem cells. In this ability, glial cells offer a couple of functions to both the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Subsequent differentiation of neuroglial cell populations ends up in function-specialized glial lineages.



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  • Track 18-1Autism
  • Track 18-2Brain injury
  • Track 18-3Deprivation
  • Track 18-4Down syndrome

Computational neuroscience is the branch of neuroscience which deals with theoretical analysis, mathematical modeling and abstractions of the brain. Research in computational neuroscience includes various areas of inquiry. Major topics in procedure neurobiology are Single nerve cell modeling; Development, nerve fiber patterning, and guidance; Sensory processing; Memory and synaptic plasticity; Behaviors of networks; psychological feature, discrimination, and learning.



  • Track 19-1Single neuron modelling
  • Track 19-2Axon patterning
  • Track 19-3Sensory processing
  • Track 19-4Memory and synaptic plasticity

Clinical neurobiology is that the scientific study of basic mechanism that causes diseases and disorders within the brain and central nervous system. It helps in seeking new ways of diagnosis for those disorders and diseases which ultimately creates the development of novel treatments. Clinical neuroscientists are specialized in their particular field to create diagnosis methods, prevention methods and the treatment of those disorders. Some of the disorders are Alzheimer's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, anxiety disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism, bipolar disorder, brain tumors, depression, Down syndrome, dyslexia, epilepsy, Huntington's disease, multiple sclerosis.



  • Track 20-1Addiction
  • Track 20-2Hyperactivity disorders
  • Track 20-3Anxiety disorders
  • Track 20-4Neurological AIDS